
IdiosyncraticArt artwork


Native/ Leathers Page:

all regalia and moccassins are made in the Lakota tradition, as taught to me by my grandmother
When I started going to powwows, I expected to find the "real thing", but what I found was made of plastic - so I started making my own regalia.
My friends loved my work and I started taking orders from them... and from their friends...

leather dress and moccassins

goat skin scalp shirt

traditional one-piece buffalo hide moccassins

traditional one-piece deer skin moccs

ankle-high buffalo hide moccassins

high-top buffalo hide moccassins

buffalo hide moccs

large dream catchers

always without steel frames

medicine bag

turtle+lynx rattle

carved fan (never showing anything but turkey feathers)

ceremonial spear

carved war club

carved Kokopelli shell

turtle shell bike helmet